MIL advise...

Hi ladies .. My MIL, her husband and my SIL moved closer to us when we announced we were pregnant. Originally they were 12 hour drive away now they are 20 minutes away. My parents have always lived just 5 minutes from us.

Since my daughter was born 3 weeks ago, my husband and I have been non stop busy with constant visitors and haven’t had one day to ourselves at all.

We have spent pretty equal time with both our parents however over the past week my MIL has been making comments about how my parents are our favourite and we never let her see her granddaughter. This isn’t true at all, if anything she has probably spend more time with my daughter than my own mother.

Today she called my husband at work to say she’s so sad as she feels I’m keeping her granddaughter from her and she doesn’t know why...she spent all of last weekend with us and is scheduled to spend this whole weekend with us too. She also FaceTimes us every single day asking to see baby and asks for photos to be sent to her every single day of my daughter.e

My MIL is on anti depressants and is having some heath issues and seems to be using them against us as well, calling us saying she’s sad regarding her health (no diagnosis at all) and it would help if she could come for a cuddle with my daughter. She gives us no warning at all just expects to come over unannounced and then gets upset when we have plans already.

I’m so fed up of pleasing other people and just want time alone to spend with my own little family. I’m exhausted and also full of the cold and just want time to gather myself back together. I guess I feel bad she moved all this way and feels the way she does, however I don’t know what else I can do except drop everything every time she decides it’s convenient to see us ... 😭 Am I being unreasonable to feel frustrated by this?