Please help, I don’t know what to do


So I found out my husband was talking to another woman last night, but before you guys start the negative comments I would like to tell y’all the whole story. Bare with me..

We have been married for 5 years been together for 9. Still madly in love with each other and what not. Well last night he got home late and I happen to look over and saw he was talking to another woman on Facebook messenger. So I sat up and told him I needed a glass of water , but he was trying to take his phone. So I told him to give me his phone and as soon as he handed it over the woman sent a kissing emoji 😘.... at this point I felt my blood draining from my body. As I looked up at him he immediately felt regret. He started to explain to me that it was just friendly. That nothing was going on between them blah blah blah. Y’all know how it goes. So I decided to call her and confront her. She stated that nothing has been going on between then, and that he was trying to put a stop to it but she didn’t get the hint. Also that nothing physically has happened and that it was all her blah blah blah. So I hanged up. So now it was my husbands turn to tell me his side of the story. He said he was trying to put a stop to it, he even went to his boss to let them know and he was trying to go to HE but because nothing physically happened they can’t do much about it. At this point I didn’t know what to feel. My husband was trying to put a stop to it but she kept going. And I asked him why he did this. And why he didn’t tell me and he responded with that he wanted to handle it himself before things got out of hand... I just don’t know what to do right now. Both stories match, so I know he was being honest with me but I just feel so betrayed.. and hurt. Any advice ladies?