Hygiene *edit*

Why do I feel like I have to beg my SO to have good hygiene? Maybe I am in a bubble but damn I honestly have never met someone who cared less!!!

We dont even live in a 3rd world country so it's not like it's hard to access these things to stay clean. And it's not like I personally even use expensive products and it honestly takes no time to just maintain!!!

This guy does not wipe his ass, he shakes his dick after peeing and doesnt wash his hands, never brushes his teeth, wears the same clothes, always stinks because he thinks he doesnt have to wash his entire body just his hair and dick....... I CAN GO ON

I'm so done...

Really I'm done. It's such a turn off i cant stand kissing him anymore because although i dont care that he smokes i wish he had the decency to brush his teeth after.

I can't stand watching him cook because he is so gross

He is just gross...

I want to break up with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*edit* I do want to stay anon because I dont want anyone to know who I am


Yes I have talked to him about it and what happens is he doesnt listen or thinks I'm being a PRUDE. I just dont get it..

He grew up as a trailer type white country boy and I see how his parents live. They dont prioritize hygiene or cleaning or household products at all. They would rather spend their money on fast food then buy toilet paper! They wipe their ass with coffee filters!!

I have known about his hygiene the whole time but I figured at first it's his life whatever as long as I am clean then cool... but its affecting everything now that we live together!!!! We have been together 1 year and have a baby coming in 2 weeks and I just dont think I can stand it anymore!