To my fellow over-thinkers...

Amy • 🌈
Don't husband my first month TTC #1. I joined Glowbjustvtontrack my cycles and now I find myself obsessively reading the message boards and comparing myself to others. I am naturally a Type A person who overthinks everything so now that we are actively trying, I think I am making myself crazy! I'm still in my fertile week but just ran to the store to pickup prenatal vitamins and fresh meats so I can stop eating deli meats, etc. So naturally I pick up my first box of OPK strips ( total impulse buy) and it came back with only 1 line on it (so I assume it's negative). And now I feel bummed out bc according to my chart I should be ovulating.
Anyway, just wondering if anyone else out there is making themselves crazy and if the craziness/stress/over analyzing is actually hurting our chances...