After 22 1/2 hours of labor our sweet Avery finally joined us into the world

After 22 1/2 hours of labor our sweet Avery finally joined us into the world. I was induced due to extremely low fluid. After 22 hours had passed babygirl began to respond poorly and have decels, not to mention I was still only 1cm dilated!! Pitocin wasn’t working, cytotec wasnt working like it should have. So after 22 hours, they decided a C-Section was best for me and baby. I was starting to respond horribly to the trauma and couldn’t stop shaking. Y’all I felt like I chihuahua!😂 once out into the world, she immediately started crying, best sound ever y’all! They assessed her and saw she was having just a little trouble breathing in her own, but they got it under control. 
We are absolutely over the moon in love with our perfect little girl!!💖🎀