these pregnancy tests were from a year ago... I was getting faint positives and a little bit of pregnancy symptoms... before my missed period (the tests are below) I got so excited. I went to the Doctors for blood work and they called me and told me my blood work was negative!!

I did end up getting my period around 10pm on cycle day 28 which I don’t consider that late... but why would I have faint positives?! and i know they aren’t evap they showed up within a minute.. did I miscarry last year? what was this.. my doctors say it could’ve been a chemical pregnancy, but the fact my blood work was negative confuses me...

the only reason I bring this up a year later is because I tested in july the same time of my cycle for this pregnancy and my tests were super positive (pics below)

I ended up losing this pregnancy at 5 weeks. but i’m still so confused about my first ones from last year...

has this happened to anyone else?!

ALSO it’s not normal for me to get faint lines anyway.. i’ve seen plenty of negative tests.. I guess i’m just looking for answers cause it bothers me to the max.. and when my ob asks me if i’ve ever been pregnant before while I lost this pregnancy I didn’t even know what to say.. cause this confuses me so much. I just told him it was my first pregnancy..