Feeling uneasy in new relationship... is it normal to feel this way?

I’m newly in a relationship after three solid years of being single. My last and only real invested relationship was with an abuser, both physically and mentally and extremely manipulative who was also a cheater.. it took me three years to get away from that man and another three years to be single and just figure myself out a bit. I met him when I was 15, we started casually dating when I was 18, made it official when I was 20 and finally left when I was 23. I’m 26 now.

Anyway, now I’m in a brand new relationship and I’m feeling uneasy when I’m not around my new boyfriend or when he’s not all over me. I feel like I’m being so clingy and that was just never me before.

I don’t know why I’m feeling uneasy, maybe I’m projecting old feelings from the past relationship? Or am I sensing something with this guy that should be a red flag for me to leave?

I’m just so lost and don’t know what to do. I’m going to Texas soon with my boyfriend to meet his family and friends... he says he’s excited that I decided to come with him and such but maybe I’m just scared because I haven’t committed to someone in so long and last time I did, the man literally drug me to rock bottom. I just feel like we’re at an awkward stage in our relationship and I want to fast forward past it.

If you’ve read this far thank you, I’m just so emotional and feel so shitty right now. Ugh.