Could we possibly have a chance?


So.... My SO and I have been together for 6 and a half years. Yes we've had ups and downs, same as any relationship. I suffer with depression and anxiety and probably have done for years, but have never got help because I was so stupid and thought I could deal with it. Anyway, as time went on we decided to try for a baby. But I ended up having 2 miscarriages back to back and felt like I'd never be able to give him a child. But thankfully our rainbow baby came along and everything was perfect! I don't know if maybe I have a touch of pnd on top of everything else but the last few months all we have done is argue, and I will admit it's mostly me being the problem. I've finally got professional help now and I'm on medication. So far it's been helping and I've opened my eyes to what I was going through and how it made me act, but I'm worried that it may be too late to save my relationship. We are currently living apart. He knows I want to come home and he knows I love him deeply. He has also said that he loves me and he always will. But he has also said he wants to live on his own for now and have his own space... Which I completely understand because of everything. He said he needs a break from me, do I said of course i'l do whatever it takes to make him happy. He then said, then it's best to stay away fromhim for a while. Which I will totally. And I completely understand why. He then went on to ask if he could come pick his daughter up so I said yes no problem. We'll he came over to get her but didn't leave straight away, he stayed for an hour before taking her. So overnight while I was bring soooo good and not contacting him, he contacts me this morning and sent me a photo of my son (from a previous partner) that was taken a few weeks ago when we were both still together. He knows I already have this photo so I'm thinking he's trying to reach out? Maybe? Idk I just wanna go home and be a happy family