No signs then bam!


Was 40+5 and had no signs of labor at all. No mucous plug , no Braxton hicks, no real contractions, nothing... I was scheduled for induction this week. Last night around 1030 I stood up and there was a massive gush of water. With my daughter it was a trickle, but this was a waterfall! Got to the hospital and started contractions around 1230. By 230 am they were a minute long and 3 min apart but still not dilated. During the check the Dr thought she felt a foot. Quick ultrasound and sure enough, little man had turned himself breech- again! ( he was breech at 37 and I got him to turn by 38 using spinning babies techniques). We ended up doing a c section. 5 hours from water breaking to baby... Not my ideal birth, but hes here safe and that's what matters.

So for you ladies with no symptoms, there is hope that it can change SUPER fast!