You know those times when you want to see a line so bad you see it even if it isn’t there?

Tasha •ttc: #1 for 15 months• 2 mc •

Yeah that’s me right now. Currently 9 DPO. Took a cheapo 25 miu test, and I swore I saw something. (Bottom test in photo)

Then decided to take a frer because I figured it should be a decent faint line if it was enough to show up faint on a 25 miu, and I don’t see anything.

I’m so confused. And now I’m wondering if it was just wishful thinking. 😓 ive has some mild nausea the past few days, TONS of creamy cm (I am usually dry- even during ovulation), and light cramping. Today my lower back hurts, but that’s about it.

I’m hoping it’s real 🤞🏻 help?!