TMI. Help me out?

Ok guys .. this is extremely TMI. I haven’t even told my husband about this. But, I had an appointment Wednesday . Baby was fine everything was great. But I noticed that evening I felt constipated. I tried to go take a bowel movement, but all I could get out was nude color soft poop? And I’m guessing I have a hemorrhoid because after I wiped I had light blood on my toilet paper. (Only see it after I poo a little)... so it’s Sunday and I haven’t had a brown solid brown moment since Tuesday. It’s all nude color and I still have some blood and it’s only tiny amounts. I messaged my doctor but I’m kind of freaking out? I googled and I read some pretty disturbing things. I don’t know what has caused this, as I am taking fiber gummies everyday and I’ve been eating big meals. Miralax does nothing for me and all I have is colace to take... I need some type of advice or encouragement because I’m extremely worried.