Bleeding at 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant


Hey y’all. This is my first pregnancy so I really don’t know what is to be expected. Today after dinner I went to go use the restroom and I noticed blood on my panties and when I wiped. FREAKED ME OUT. I called my doctor and she tried to reassure me that it’s completely normal at 6 weeks and to not panic. Easier said than done. About 10 minutes later I basically threw up my entire dinner which points to morning sickness (in my case evening sickness) which made me feel a little bit better that it’s a sign I’m still pregnant? I don’t know I’m freaking out and I guess I’m just asking if anyone has had bleeding during their pregnancy around 6 weeks and everything turned out okay.

Thanks ladies!


Had my first ultrasound appointment today! We saw our nugget and also saw the heartbeat! Everything is normal and healthy for being 9 1/2 weeks! So so happy!!😍😍😍