Want a child but husband doesn’t have sex with me


I need some insights. We’ve been married for 1 year and 8 months. Since our wedding night up to today we’ve always had issues with sex. I met my husband online and we had a long distance relationship since I lived in another country. I didn’t know he suffered from erectile dysfunction until after we got married. I also found out that he’s anemic so he sleeps a lot. Not only that but he takes so much pills for so many things that I honestly think it has affected his sperms because he doesn’t produce any. Nope. Not even one. The weirdest thing is, I caught him twice on porn, once on a singles website and when his female friends call, he’s quick to get off the phone when I walk into the room and lie about who he was talking to. I’m always so sad. I just want to go back home and forget this marriage and having kids.