Any advice?

Bit long winded but ..some back story...

Was told 3 months ago I would have any more children and that I was going through the same thing that my mum did which was premature menopause I'm 25.. devastated thought right nows the time to accept it and move forward I have my first born who is my everything I'm I'm forevermore grateful to just have him so I enrolled to college which has been a dream of mine for years but I put it on hold for my first born... Then two days after enrolling I found out I was expecting with my second baby... To say my emotions are all over the place is an understatement 😅 I cried with joy, fright, and everything in-between .... But now I'm stuck with what I do... I handed my notice into work the same day I enrolled but now everyone's is advising me to stay at work for the year because college just wouldn't work whilst pregnant...spoke to the college and they said if I was to miss any hours of the two days I'm suppose to be in I wouldn't gain enough hours to pass..(diabetes clinic on the two days I'm in college and I'm likely to get it again) then I'm due two months before my course finishes which means I only have two weeks of with baby before I have to go back 😭 then your never gaurenteed to have a smooth sailing birth what if I couldn't go back?! Stressing me out endless!!....