Spotting.... advice needed please


Hi everyone, I’m looking for some advice as this is all a bit new for me. Ever since a teenager I’ve always had very very heavy periods, pain, vomiting and back pain as I have an inverted uterus. After having my mirena coil out which was 6.5 years in situ I have been receiving very light periods. Barely feels like a period in my eyes compared to what I’ve been used to. It is just spotting coming to a medium flow, no pain, no vomiting etc. And this month where we were hoping to conceive I’ve been spotting now for 3 days. But it’s a very light fresh blood looking not the normal period looking blood. And only there when I wipe, nothing on pad etc. Has anybody else experienced this? Is this that I possibly still have a thin uterine lining since the mirena or is this now what my body has decided to do. Very confused and hoping to conceive so very disheartened to still see spotting. Advice please.... thanks