Helpppp. Is “Finley” too girly for a boy?

Shae • Happily married and mama to Ronan, Freyja and Scotti. 💞

I LOVE the nickname “Finn” for a little boy but we don’t want our baby’s name to end in “n” (long story) so Finnegan, Finn, Griffin are all out. I sort of like Phineas but will always think of the show Phineas and Ferb and I hated that show growing up. 😂 I love the meaning of Finley (sunbeam) and it’s supposedly gender-neutral but I keep seeing comments that it’s a girl’s name. 😕

What would you think if someone you knew named their boy Finley? Is there an alternative spelling that’s more “manly”? I’m worried he’ll get bullied or something... Any other name suggestions for the nickname Finn?


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