Do you think he cheated?

We were together for about 2 months, got pregnant right away and then I started noticing his ex a lot (We were long distance until I moved in at about 6 months) he still had stuff from her, her phone was still linked to his car. I thought "eh he just hasn't gotten around to it" then she called him pretty late at night while he came to visit me I was 2 months pregnant by then. This is when I found out they were still talking. At first he said they were always just friends never anything more, I went back in his profile and they were together 5 years, I told him to cut that shit off and he said he would. He never did I basically forced him to tell me what was going on and he said that sometimes she'd call if her and her new bf got into an argument. Once I again I said stop contact. That was 2 years ago. Well somethings been urking me so I decided to stalk her profile. She had posted a picture of herself next to a unique building right by his house and my bfs best friend in the comments asked where it was taken and she said "it was on the way to (a lake that his family always talks about.)"

We live in the literal land of lakes so to say this specific lake was kinda odd. Well this was back when we had been together 2months and I was pregnant and we were planning out our whole little family life. Do you think he might've went back home and hung out with her? She posted it about a week after he had come home from seeing me. It feels like it was too long ago to bring it up like damn I went back into her profile 2 years to figure it out.

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