Separation anxiety


Is anyone going through this?

My 5 month old use to be so good at sleeping in her bassinet. We just switched her over to her crib 2 days ago. She just cut a tooth on the 10th and I thought this is where her fussiness was coming from but I don't think that's the case anymore. Yesterday I tried to put her down for a nap in her crib 7 times (yes 7) and every single time she woke up the minute she touched the mattress and just cried. Last night she was up until 3AM because she'd wake up every time I tried to put her down. I tried putting her in her crib and that didn't work, then I tried her bassinet and she refused to sleep in there too. I don't know what to do. I don't want to create bad habits by holding her all night, I definitely don't want to cosleep, and I also don't want to let her cry it out. It breaks my heart. Any advice?