Tips for writing a novel

Since 2016, I’ve had this story idea in my head and for the last three years I’ve struggled to flesh it out. The problem is not the lack of ideas, I have many scenes in mind and all the characters and most of the plot twist. This will be two books and I’m mapping out both but when it comes to fleshing our characters and giving them their own backstory and personality I struggle. I’ve tried horoscopes using people I know nothing feels organic.

This year I finally was able to put words to paper and get out a few chapters which has been a challenge because I hate how everything sounds and I read books on kindle and wonder why my writing can’t sound as eloquent and flow like theirs. I guess I’m struggling with being a perfectionist when it’s just my rough draft. Any tips? I really want this to be the year I get my first draft out so I can edit it and hopefully upload to Wattpad and maybe self publish. Writing brings me such joy but then when I hit a bump my anxiety gets high and I beat myself up too much. I just envy those who can make a plot and flesh out characters in a day and here I am 3 years still struggling. I didn’t know it would take me this long to get to know my main character I’m still getting to know her. I have this whole week off work and would love to get some writing done so any writers out there, published, unpublished, creative writers just for fun, please comment your tips!!
