Any Advice? Please...


So my boyfriend and I have been together for 1 year and 5 months but a year and 9 months in total(if you include the talking phase). We just recently found out that I am expecting. And when I told him of course he was shocked since we didn’t plan on getting pregnant right now. We both wanted to wait until marriage to have children but obviously things didn’t plan out this way. I have told my mom and sisters and some other family and realize that I have support. He is holding off telling his parents and is constantly stressing and crying and being overwhelmed and constantly saying over dramatic things that make me feels as if he doesn’t want this child.

I am trying to be there for him as I know this is life changing but there is no going back. We can not undo what is already done. I guess my question is, did your s/o ever act this way when you guys found out that you were pregnant? How did you find a way to overcome it? And how do I help him become at peace with this? I truthfully want him to love this child and be happy with it. I don’t want us to continue our lives together with him thinking of how this child ruined his life. (I am not sure he thinks this way but his actions are giving off that vibe). Please be kind and helpful with your comments. I really do not want anyone bashing him for feeling this way as he is entitled to his own emotions and I know where they are coming from as we are only 20(me) y/o and 23(him) y/o.