Where can I post this? Help.

So my husband and I have falling on hard times and he works 24/7. We have 2 kids 4yrs and 2 months. We just moved into our apartment and are dead broke after buying things we needed. Not wanted needed!!!! We get paid biweekly and paid about $1400 after taxes. Our rent alone is $1000 and we already tried getting help from the government for food and got denied because my husband makes to much supposedly. This apartment is the cheapest in all of Denver and very hood but we had no other choice. My husband makes ok money but living here is very expensive and i cant work since we have no family to help watch our 2 month old and cant afford to place her in daycare and really don't want to this early. So we talked and want to look into making some extra money doing stuff like sending videos/pictures to ppl for money, or used panties or somthing along those lines. I had posted a add looking for real legit work on fb and Craigslist months ago, and got nothing but horny men msging me asking if I'd send them stuff for $$$$ and good $$$ at that and obviously i declined even though we could really use the money...i just didn't think my husband would be down but he is lol he said its not like im going to see Those men or have any sexual contact with them and I'm getting paid so he looks at it like a win win for us and i do to. I know many others might think its nasty but sorry but sex sales and unfortunately we are desperate right now. Where would you post something like this to find legit ppl because Craigslist i would get flagged. Thanks. Please no bashing.