Induction 16 months after c-section



I've had 3 vaginal births and 1 c section (last year in March) my doctor scheduled me for an induction in two weeks due to GD he says his done it before and the risk of rupture is small and they'll be able to interject if rupture occurs. I'm nervous about that. I've been up and down on a repeat c section. I don't have a gut feeling on anything at this point except the fact that I don't wanna die. Any advice, words of encouragement, similar stories would be so helpful right now. Also any methods on how to get labor started naturally I've been drinking Raspberry leaf tea since 34 weeks anything else I can do?

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I had a gentle induction for a vbac. My dr had me get an epidural first and then inserted a uterine monitor up my cervix, which monitors the pressure of your contractions. He said it can give warning if there's a problem and helps save a lot of time if you do have uterine rupture vs waiting for baby to go in distress. My dr wouldn't give more than a low dose of pitocin, no cervadil allowed. Unfortunately I didn't progress and ended up in another c section, but I was literally zero dilated going in and baby hadn't dropped even though I was 39 weeks....but baby had to come out one way or another due to preeclampsia. That birth was 21 months post 1st c section.


Mommaof4 • Aug 13, 2019
if I went into labor naturally then he wouldnt do the monitor, but he said that inductions for vbac make him nervous


Mommaof4 • Aug 13, 2019
you may not be able to tolerate them inserting the uterine monitor. your dr may not require the monitor but mine did. and he knows Im the biggest wuss despite having 4 kids so maybe thats why he told me epidural first lol


Br • Aug 13, 2019
I don’t want an epidural will that be a problem?


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I am 39 weeks this Friday and I most likely getting induced next week. I had a c section 19 months ago( Jan 18 ). I tried everything to start labor naturally but no luck so far. They want to induce me because I have GD, so scared but my dr and midwife told me it’s totally safe and not to worry. They want to start with foley bulb and low dose of pitocin.


GG • Aug 13, 2019
Thank you , you too


Br • Aug 13, 2019
I have GD as well! Wishing you a safe delivery, please update me if you can!