Am I in the wrong?

Today my friend texted me and asked if I wanted to hang out, and I told her no because I’m going through a lot right now and some days I just don’t feel like having company. My Dad just passed and I’m still grieving. Everybody grieves in their own way and I just like to be alone sometimes. But she literally thought I was just blowing her off. She got super mad and started dissing my relationship, saying my fiancé won’t be around forever and I’ll be alone one day, blah blah blah. I was just like dude I’m not going to waste my time arguing about something so stupid, I have a lot of other more important things on my plate to worry about then old high school friendship drama. We’re both 20. The whole thing started on Snapchat but I stopped replying to her because I just didn’t want to hear the childish bullshit. So then I got on Facebook and this is the first thing I see

Am I in the wrong? Or is she just being super childish? I blocked her because people started commenting and they wouldn’t stop. Not worth my time.
