Wake window for 5 month olds?


Okay so I've struggled with this from day one and maybe I need to make a change. Wake windows for 5 month olds should supposedly be 2-2.5 hours. Mine is hella fussy after 1hour-1:30 max. He'll make it to 2 hours but only because I work hard at keeping him entertained. Naps are often a battle and he has a "witching hour" pretty much every night. So, should I stop keeping him awake so long and just put him down while he's calm and starting to get sleepy? Or should I keep him awake as long as 2 hours? I just hate that I'm working so hard to get a proper schedule and naps aren't even that great, my baby is overtired and still not sleeping through the night regardless 😭🙄 Sleep research is ALL I f***ing do it seems! And for nothing, lol.