Overproducing at 8 months suddenly?


My son will be 8 months in about a week and he is EBF, all of a sudden the last week I have begun to leak all over the place. Consistently when he feeds I leak from the other side (which hasn’t happened in months since my milk leveled out) and I will even start to leak at random times.

I can feel my letdown really strong when he feeds and my whole breast gets hard, which again is something I’ve not felt in months.

I pump once at night when he’s sleeping before I go to bed just to add to my stash and I used to pump like 3 Oz from each boob, now I’m overfilling every time on only one breast.

He’s still sleeping and eating the same times, the only thing that changed is I did have maybe my period back? I spotted for two days and then nothing, but I was thinking usually when your period returned your supply actually went down.

I’m glad it’s oversupply than under, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a little uncomfortable and awkward to be leaking all over the place again at this stage.