I wasn't trying to be mean 🙄


My newborn is barely turning 2 weeks old tomorrow. My mom called me this morning and she sounded sick, like she was losing her voice. She had asked me go over to her house when she got home from work but after hearing how bad she sounded I had thought it was better not to. I sent her a text saying I think it'd be better if I went over another day, when she felt better, especially because of my newborn and I didn't want him catching anything. My nephew, who's a few months old, is really sick and was over at my moms and I assume she caught whatever he has. She had told me my brother was also going and my nephew is still very sick and my mom was now sick too, so I decided not to. She ended up calling me saying she wasn't sick and to go over. My grandmother is visiting from out of town and she wants us to spend as much time with her. So I told her okay but asked if my nephew was going over too, she said no so I agreed to go over. Once I was there my mom reached for my son and was carrying him. She began to cough and I said "please don't touch him afterwards" she was touching near his mouth after she coughed into her hand. She then began to kiss him and again I said "you're sick, please don't do that." I wasn't at all saying it in a mean way. But my grandmother jumped on me and said "don't be like that, don't be one of those moms. He's going to get more sick not being around germs." My mom then said "that's fine, wait until next time they want me to watch over them." I then replied "I'm not trying to be mean, I just don't want him to get sick." I was so annoyed. I hate how mother's go against everything a daughter says. Just because parents raised us their way doesn't mean they get to dictate how we raise ours. What's so hard about just saying "okay, I understand." No, instead every request I make is "offensive". It's so stupid. I'm the mother and even as ridiculous as they think I'm being, that's my baby, period. It just made me so mad because I asked so many times not to do something and I was not only being ignored but attacked for saying it.