

My obgyn said with this round of Femara if we don’t get pregnant we have to sit down and talk because I keep developing “junk” cyst. Junk cyst is our term for a bunch of small cyst along with one potential cyst with an egg. Clomid caused me to form a golf ball sized cyst so we switched to Femara after a month back on birth control to shrink the cyst. Also had to take birth control last month because I formed way too many cysts. This month I had one perfectly sized cyst with 6 junk cyst around it and the other ovary had a cyst that was almost the right size. I got a positive OPK and we baby danced 3 days straight but it’s 5 days past ovulation and for the last 3 days I’ve been waking up in pain like I did with the golf ball size cyst. I’m worried I have another cyst and I’m worried that we’ll move on to something else and I don’t know if we can afford to do something more extreme.