9 month old crying when falling asleep

Mikko • Single mom, tattooed, pierced, 日本語OK

* Note: we are going through a typhoon right now so the pediatricians office is closed and so are the trains. *

So for the last 2 days, my 9 month old refuses to sleep. He’ll sleep a good 30 minutes and wake up abruptly. Including at night. I’ll try to put him to sleep and he screams. Like bloody murder screams. Even if I hang in there and wait until he calms down, he doesn’t. Just screams and screams. I hold him upright, he stops. But the second I put him into position to fall asleep, he screams.

He’s extremely tired as he hasn’t slept, he continues to rub his eyes and show other signs of being tired and ready to sleep. He gets so tired he doesn’t eat all of his food nor drink all of his milk.

I’ll put in soothing music, I’ll give him a warm bath.. lots of things of things to relax him.. and he’s completely okay. But the minute he starts falling asleep, he’s screaming.

I don’t understand what’s going on at all.

He just woke up briefly after sleeping barely 2.5 hours. I got him to fall back asleep (luckily), but he was screaming.

He has NO fever, no signs of injury or distress to the body. No symptoms of a cold or flu.

Does anyone know what could possibly be the problem?