Cant get past the fear

lisa • Mom of 1 girl👧, 3 boys👦🧒🧒, twin 👧🧒( born 2/4/20) and one in heaven 👼 #nosanityleft

I had a miscarriage back in dec, now we are expecting twins. Im 11 weeks along. We already had one scare of bleeding, and this whole time i cant get past the fear of loosing them. I am buying things so prepared since its twins but its like i have to force myself to buy anything because im afraid its like jynixing myself. I have anxiety so my miscarriage didnt help. I want to be happy but so scared to... :(

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I’m so sorry. 😔 it’s super hard. I had two missed miscarriages then had to turn to IVF. I’m 33w3d from IVF and I am still scared. I was also super anxious before ever having miscarriages. I didn’t want to buy anything either but at 24 weeks I became high risk and put on bed rest so we felt we should start preparing. What you are feeling is so normal! My husband always needs to tell me that what we do won’t change the outcome so we need to try to enjoy ourselves. It is soo very difficult. Try to take it one day at a time, one hour at a time, or one minute at a time if needed. You’ve got this and so many people rooting for you and your babies!


Lisa • Aug 14, 2019
❤️ hehe sure are!! ☺️ keep everyone updated!


lisa • Aug 14, 2019
Lisas are the best :D thank you brought tears to my eyes.


Posted at
I understand how you feel, it's extremely difficult to emotionally accept a new pregnancy. I felt the same, it took me a while to see that we may actually get to bring a baby home at the end. Every test, appointment, week was a new hurdle we reached...eventually you feel more positive...I found buying some things helped me. I hope you find your positive outlook soon 😘xx


lisa • Aug 14, 2019
Thank you so much, and im trying my hardest to get excited :) just scared too