I’m hating my dreams

I CANT stop having dreams of me miscarrying and seeing my baby in the toilet after I use the bathroom, it becomes so real. I continuously try telling myself I’m dreaming and for me to wake up but in my dream I absolutely can’t! And I was crying more and more in my dreams because I couldn’t wake up and I thought it was real. When I woke up, I was so relieved. I woke up sweating profusely with tears in my eyes. Why am I getting dreams like this? 😭 maybe from my past? Maybe I’m worried of the same thing happening to me that happened to my mom years ago. My baby brother passed away at 5 months pregnant due to his cord being knotted and it wrapped around his neck a total of three times. Such a rare possibility and it happened to her. I don’t know if I’m scared or these wonky “pregnancy dreams” are getting to me. Either way, it makes me not want to sleep.