Absent Nasal Bone

Hi Ladies, I’m 29yrs old and pregnant with DCDA twins (first pregnancy). At my 12 week NT scan ‘Twin A’ was marked as having an absent nasal bone. No other markers were identified but it still made the a high risk of T21 as 1:35. ‘Twin B’s risk was 1:5,000. The doctor suggested I have an amnio at 15weeks which at the time I agreed to. I went back 2 days later and requested an NIPT to get some more information even though it still is another screening test. The results came back as low risk making it less than 1:10,000 chance of Down Syndrome. Today I was booked in for my Amniocentesis but they first performed a structural scan on both twins which showed brains, hearts, kidneys, femur bones to all be within a normal range. The nasal bone on ‘Twin A’ has now ossified and can be marked as present. The doctor explained that it still doesn’t cancel out the fact that the nasal bone was not present at the 12week scan and an amniocentesis could still be performed now or after the morphology scan in 4weeks time. I decided not to have the amnio as I was feeling very positive that both babies are probably healthy and ‘normal’. Has anyone had similar situations and what were the outcomes? Thanks so much in advance! Who knew babies could stress us so much before they are even born xx