October 5

My second daughter 5th and last child finally graced us with her arrival on october 5th 😍
The night of october 4th at 1:24 am my water broke as i was climbing back into bed...after i cleaned all that up went back to sleep and waited for my contractions to start...nothing happened so in the morning we packed thd kids up and brought them to my parents place...we tried everything that day to get them to start but nothing happened 😒 so monday morning we were set up for an induction we started pitocin at 1:30 and by 5:45 i was 5 cms...after standing up from the birthing ball another huge gush of water came i knew i was going to need to push soon they got me on the bed on my knees hugging the top part of the bed after two more big contractions i told the nurse the next one im pushing she says ok turn over lets check you at 6:03 i was fully dilated and two big pushes and 2 minutes later little miss Jerzey made her entrance at 6:05 weighing exactly 8 pounds and measuring at 20 1/2 inches long