My husband has 0 compassion!!

I’m pregnant and have been spotting on and off and have had some abdominal pain and my husband still expects the house to be super clean and take care of our dog and still clean and take care of our girls 24/7, I try my best I take care of them clean them feed them,try to keep it clean but I take it easy because of the pregnancy,but he doesn’t care about it at all,I’m so stressed out I don’t know what to do,it’s like our girls are going to make messes and I don’t want to push to hard, I tell him let me wait till we have our ultrasound on the 20th but no he said he can’t wait he want it clean,and I say you can clean and I’ll do more after the 20th I want to make sure everything’s okay first,but he says he works and I need to do the rest, I feel stuck... sometimes it’s hard to be around him

Our daughters are still pretty young, one turned 3 and the other is turning 2,I was on birth control but still got pregnant this third time, I’m stressed too I tell him listen just wait I’ve been going through a lot this would be my third csection, I had gestational diabetes and had to give myself insulin I’m terrified,but he says he stressed financially and he is working so the house and the kids are my responsibilities,I feel like I’m stuck in this relationship sometimes,this pregnancy wasn’t planned but he/she is here and I just want the baby to okay,wish he was more compassionate!