Feeling overwhelmed today


Just having a day or moment I don’t know. The last few days my LO hasn’t been sleeping like she normally was and she’s getting fussy at night so we tried last night to let her fuss it out a bit when we knew she has just been fed changed and was okay and that worked she made little fussy noises but fell back asleep but you mamas know you’re not gunna fall asleep until she does so I’m over tired I feel like I have so much to do around my house but can’t because she’s been fussy this morning full out screaming and I’ll admit I got so frustrated had to put her down then felt like crap started crying.

On top of that I have a red mark on my breast so I won’t give her BM because I don’t know what it is ( doesn’t hurt or anything) but I’m a paranoid person so I’m just pumping and giving her formula which I know isn’t her fave but I’d rather be safe then sorry. And my nipples are sore from increase pumping the last 2 weeks to try to increase production.

Thank you for letting me vent. I swear I need more momma friends by me