Too close to exes name?

I’m currently 37 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. I’m absolutely in love with the name Everly and my husband and I were pretty set on this being her name until a few days ago. A friend I hadn’t seen in a while asked what my husband and I were planning to name the baby and when I said Everly she gave me a weird look and said isn’t that really close to your husband exes name? Doesn’t that feel weird to you? My husband exes name is Emily. They broke up 10 years ago and my husband and I have been together for 9. She tried to break us up for the first 4 years of our relationship and still to this day will ask about us and for updates on our lives to mutual friends. I had never made the connection before that Everly sounds like Emily until that friend pointed it out and now I’m so sad because I feel like it would be weird to use it now. Especially since the crazy ex still tries to get info about us and I’m worried if she heard we named our baby girl Everly she would somehow thing we named her after her🤦🏼‍♀️ Am I crazy for being turned off the name now? Do you think it sounds too similar?

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