Scary Roommate

So I just recently found out that my roommate has been scheming/dreaming about killing me and my husband from her bestfriend who is genuinely worried about our safety.

I don't know what to do and honestly I feel kind of scared. I can't put a lock on my door due to the fuse box being in my room and if I'm gone they wouldn't be able to get into it. We don't have the money to move out until November.

It's become so hostile in our home that my husband is planning on purchasing a handgun to keep in the drawer just in case, and honestly I agree. I am usually skeptical due to never having a gun in my home before but I am so worried about me or him getting hurt or them hurting one of our pets.

Lately I have been to the point of stressing myself sick. Recently pretty much all of my family pretty much turned their backs on me due to getting married without inviting all of them (could only afford a couple of guests). Plus they didn't think I should've been "lying with a man" due to their religious views.

I just feel so stuck and alone except for my pets and husband. I'm really sorry I just have been hurting and I don't know who else to go to for advice. You all have given me amazing advice before and I felt amazing after bettering myself before.