Nervous bout my 7 week US tmrw...

Stacie i went for a kidney US today to check on a uti... He ended up checking my pelvis with an abdo US...i saw my gestational sac but didnt see anything in it!! It kinda worried me...i saw .y gestational sac and yolk sac at 5w1d...but it was a transvaginal US. Thats what im getting tmrw. But.. Should i have seen something with an abdo us? Im also experiencing almost a hault in my symptoms today...i dont feel too fatigued, breasts arent that sore and ive regained my appetite..just today tho.

So 2 questions..

1) at 7 weeks can u see anything with an abdo US

2) is it normal to have a random day of no symptoms? Or lack there of? Bc today is it