Today I had my daughter!!! I had my routine appointment yesterday (I was 40 weeks) and baby measured 36 weeks and I had very low amniotic fluid. I was told baby had to come now. I was planning a vba2c and wanted to go into labor naturally. Well my choices changed to being induced or another c-section. Knowing  the risks I chose induction. I wanted to do it with no pain medication, but after a few hours and only dialated to a 4, I chose an epidural. This was at 1:00pm. At 2:30am, I was only a 5. I was getting very discouraged thinking I went through all that labor to have a c-section anyway. About 5:15am the epidural started wearing off. I was just at a 7 at 4:30, so I assumed that's what I still was. Well it turned out it wasn't working because I was ready to push! Against all odds I was able to push my daughter out in less than an hour and had a successful vba2c. I'm thankful for my doctor who allowed me to labor and the support of my husband to push and make it through knowing that this is what I really wanted!