Fed up with my mom


So, my sister & I moved out of state 2 years ago. From Maine to Tennessee. 1,500 miles.

My sister & I have never got along with our mom. My sister is 8 years older than me; my mom decided once I was out of the cute baby stage that I was my sisters problem. She feels more like my mom than my sister... After our dad died we just decided to “free bird” it. My mom, understandably, was, and still is, upset. My sister has 4 kids & I was pregnant with my daughter when we left. Now I’m pregnant with baby #2 & she’s guilt tripping me so hard.

My sister, my sisters husband, my husband, my best friend, multiple friends of our mom have offered to pay all of her travel expenses to come down to visit. Both my sister & I have offered to fly up to go get her to bring her down here. She has refused every single offer.

She has multiple excuses. “It’s too hot down there”, “I don’t have anyone to watch the dog”, “I don’t know how to get there”, “my smart phone doesn’t have GPS”, “I can’t get the time off work” (that one is understandable), “I can’t fly down there”, “I’m too scared to fly” (also understandable), “I can’t afford it” (the offer of me or my sister paying her travel expenses never expires - we’ve told her that more than once), the list goes on...

Now, when she’s telling my sister & I all these excuses, she’s using her phone GPS to get to her boyfriends house 4 hours away from her & can stay a week there with no one to watch the dog. 🤔

She posts on Facebook ALL the time about how she never gets to see her grandkids but she’s NEVER made the effort. All of her friends/family that have reached out are appalled that she won’t come visit.

I don’t understand why if her boyfriend is more important than her own grandchildren why she complains about it so much.

My sister & I STILL pay her bills. I cannot tell you how many times she’s asked us to transfer her $100 or to pay her light bill because seeing her boyfriend was more important than paying the bill or getting groceries.

Am I wrong for being so upset?