Any else feel LO prefer others now that your back to work?


Went back to work officially two weeks ago full time. My mother in law and husband look after her while I work. And when I get home she is so eager to see me because she ebf but then after she would rather be with someone else :( my husband even said she never does that with me 😢

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Posted at
YES! It makes me so sad because as much as I’d love to quit and be the sole caretaker of my LO, we need the money to upkeep everything 😢😢


L • Aug 21, 2019
Hoping that one day they’d love us and appreciate us for these sacrifices


Alexandria • Aug 20, 2019
Same here. I’m even working a part time on the side to get extra income in


Posted at
Yess 😭😭 and she was SUCH a mamas girl until recently.


Alexandria • Aug 20, 2019
It’s my in laws n husband but I want her to be a mamas girl :(


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I feel like when it’s another family member that really loves your child they do start to prefer them because they’re together all day but if it’s like a daycare center they are so happy to see you. Just look at it as, you know they are being well taken care of. My son was like with my mom and it was hard, I noticed I’d get a little jealous but I try to see it positively


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She’s just now (like the past 2 days) starting to have a preference. And her preference is me lol.


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Nope 🙃 he’s around daycare workers for the majority of his day but as soon as he sees mama and daddy it’s all cries and smiles lol