Help milk supply decreasing


So I haven’t had success of getting my newborn to fully latch on & stay latched. So I said I’d pump because I still wanted her to get the benefits of breast milk. She’s been on bottles so it’s hard to get her to want to latch. I’m still waiting for my electric pump to come via ins covered it. So in the mean time I bought a cheap manual one so my supply wouldn’t dry up. I was pumping out good at first & now I can barely get an ounce. I bought Lactation cookies & have been eating them. I didn’t bother breast feeding or pumping with my first child I was strictly all formula so this is all new to me. My supply seems like it is decreased a lot & I don’t want it to dry up. What can or should I do to get my supply back up? I was late getting started on pumping so I hope I didn’t screw myself & now I’m drying up.