No support

Nana • 👼🏾 May 24 2019👼🏾 August 16 2019 Angel Mommy ! Mommy to K &K 08/29/2020 11/02/2021 🤴🏽🤴🏽

I’m currently still going through my miscarriage it’s hard because this was my first pregnancy I came off depo last year August and got pregnant this year in July I was really excited and happy about this baby I believe my hormones probably played a role in my miscarriage because of the symptoms I was having leading up to my miscarriage but since the miscarriage happen I can’t get a word out my fiancé I have anxiety real bad I told him I feel depressed he just asked me why and left it alone I been trying to explain my feeling to him and it’s like he don’t hear him he stays locked in his phone on Facebook Instagram or snap and it’s really bothering me