Pregnant. Excited. Terrified.

Through the whole process of trying for just over a year to get pregnant, I’ve never been happier to finally say that I am!! But let me be perfectly honest... when preparing to get pregnant and doing all of the reading and researching and everything there is to it I was SO. CONFIDENT....Now that I’m finally here, I’m confident in my pregnancy, I’m confident that not only am I a great step parent but I’m going to crush it as a mom to my own. but I’m SO not confident anymore and extremely terrified of the birthing process. Has anyone else had this sudden change of heart? If so what did you do to help yourself through it? I think that all of the sudden rush of terrible birth stories by friends and family has just gotten me wound up. Im hoping just talking to my doctor and getting a good birth plan will help me calm down a bit and gain my confidence back, makes me feel really stupid to feel this way!