Need guidance/advice/help real bad.


I’m feeling defeated.

TTC for a couple months with #2. My son is 11 months and my husband and I have been back and forth with wanting kids close in age.

But we’ve decided it’s a good time to really start.

Here’s a back story,

Got nexaplon arm implant bc when my son was 2 months and hated it, bleed most the time and just felt off. Got it removed 2 months later.

My first period after having my son was when he was almost 5 months. Then another month later and spotting here and there. Then went 2 months no period and 1 period mid July and now nothing this month.

Took a couple pregnancy tests all negative.

My question is, am I even ovulating ? If I am when and how much sex should I be having if I’m so darn irregular.

My husband and I are at a really good place right now. I’m very happy with my job and life so I would love an addition to our family, but my husband just started night shifts at work and in order to get pregnant I have to have him on a strict routine for when I’m ovulating.

I’ve got the easy@home ovulation test strips and I don’t even know how to read them or if I’m using them correctly.

Any recommendations on which ovulation tests are better and more accurate ?

I could use all the help.

It wasn’t this hard to get pregnant with my first but now that I’m so busy with a baby I don’t want to miss my opportunities!

I just want my period to start up soon so I can get to tracking again 😭😭