Worst luck

I have literally the worst luck. First of all I got an extremely bad infection in my throat which lasted 20 days. And then two days after that I find out I have lice. The same day I get the lice removed, I found out my college messed up my course and fixed it three days before my exam so then I had to do a months worth of work in three days. And to top it all off I’ve now got a yeast infection. And I’m also going to get my period in a couple days so now I’m gonna have to deal with cramps!! I wonder what else the universe is going to throw at me cause it seems to hate me cause I can never catch a break. I’ve got my exam in a couple hours so knowing my luck I’m gonna fail it. Everyone tells me that I just need to be more positive about everything but that’s literally impossible because bad things just keep happening!!


I finished my test and I didn’t do as good as I was wanting but I got 80%. So maybe my luck is finally going to start getting better