Advice on a miscarriage..


So on my birthday on 3rd April my husband surprised me with a present by paying for a private scan.. where heartbreakingly we found out we had miscarried our first baby. We found out on the 22nd Feb 2019 that I was 5 weeks pregnant. We were so so excited, we had been trying for about 6 months and we had told our immediate family and close friends. I feel so lost now, even nearly 5 months on and I still feel so much heartbreak, I cry daily and I have so much yearning for what could have been.

I feel people don’t understand, and as time is going on, people close to me feel I should be getting over it by now. I want to be moving on as well, but I just honestly feel so broken by this. I just wanted to reach out to see if anyone has any advice, or has been through a miscarriage as well cause I need a friend who understands how I feel 😔

I have tried counselling, and I have also been put back on Sertraline (which I have been on prior) but nothing is helping me. I just want to feel okay again, it’s taking a slight toll in majority of my friendships/relationships.. apart from my husband I honestly just feel like I hate everyone and don’t want to be around anyone - which just isn’t like me at all.