FUCK TODAY!!!! 🤬💔😭

S • 2010 🏈 2012 🎀 2016 🎀 Aug 2020 🎀🤰🏻

Confirmed this morning that the last 5 days of BFPs were actually just a chemical pregnancy and my day has just gotten worse and worse.....

This pregnancy wasn’t planned! I had to have my IUD removed due to heavy bleeding and immediately started on the mini pill, but knew something was off a few weeks later. I had BFPs 5 days in a row!! Including this morning!!!

Even tho this wasn’t planned, we both were so excited. And to go from nervous, to anxious to excited to broken within 5 days is sooo overwhelming to me!!! I’m angry!! My SO and my best friend are both saying “everything happens for a reason” but WHAT IS THIS REASON?! I can’t help but to wonder if I caused this by continuing to take my birth control ..

On top of being emotionally hurting... these cramps are INSANE!! I haven’t started bleeding yet but omg these cramps seriously resemble early labor contractions!! 😭😭😭

....AND THE WORST PART?!?!?? I’m a travel nurse (I work a week away and then I go home for a week) so I got the call that my HCG was only 9 literally 15 minutes before leaving my house for the airport .. I’m mid flight right now and just realized I left my entire purse (Wallet, ID, car keys) on my dryer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I get to pay to uber an hour from the airport to my work house and 30 min a day each way to and from work for the next 8 days!!!


Also my love is a truck driver and was supposed to meet me tonight.. he actually drove almost 24 hours with no sleep to make his 2pm drop off at the marina so he could then drive 8 hours to me because he knows how bad I need him... and they just told him they can’t unload him until tomorrow AM!!