Losing it completely ..

July 3rd I had a blazing positive opk test line darker than control, my bf and I bd that day and the day before. My temps never confirmed ovulation tho. On the early morning hours (1am-2am) of Monday July 8th technically since it was after 12am, I was assaulted, a passing by couple stopped the attack. The following Monday after that I got a positive pregnancy test (pic below) and 2 days after test blood drawn was 56 .. I am now almost 9 weeks and I’m am so afraid. Please any insight or honest help I am so scared is it possible it’s from the attack? I don’t even kno if the attacker did something I just kno he was on top of me but literally for maybe a minute cause the couple came to my aid. I didn’t tell my bf I was so ashamed and embarrassed 😔 but I can’t get it out of my head.

This is the test 7 days after

And my chart ..