Did your bf give you a promise ring?

Yalllll I'm legit ecstatic right now !! I could definitely be over thinking it😅 butttt. What do yall think??

My boyfriend keeps telling me he has something planned for me next week so I was assuming he was taking me out to eat somewhere nice😊 but then he asked if he could have my moms phone number so I gave it to him... tonight when we were otp he was like "so i talked to your mom and I'm gonna have to come up w a new plan for next week" and I was like huh? And he said "your mom said that it was too soon but it was very sweet".. so here I go guessing😂 and I got out of him that he has to know my size and he said that I would wear it and that if I didnt wear it he would be very upset but maybe mom would give him the approval for our 6 months or year !! He told me if I could guess it, he would tell me. So I guessed hoodie, shoes, sunglasses and he said no for all of those.. i didnt want to guess promise ring because if it is that, I do want it to be a surprise🥰 but I'm seriously soooo excited omg.

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