False labor or early labor?

Jordan • 21, Married, Mama of girls👑

I have been having contractions from 6-8 minutes about lasting around 45 seconds to a minute since 11:30pm last night. It’s now almost 6:30am and they’re still coming but the intensity has remained about the same. This is all new to me, with my first I had 45 minutes of very strong contractions, my water broke, and my daughter was born 4 hours later after 45 minutes of pushing. No warning, no Braxton Hicks, or false labor. I’ve been tempted to have my husband stay home Incase this is the real deal as I’ve been instructed to go straight to the hospital if I have more than two painful contractions because they think she’ll come fast. But I don’t want him to miss out on work for the hospital to tell me it’s just false labor, plus we have a toddler we’d have to arrange babysitting for to sit at the hospital and be monitored. I’d like to only go if it’s the real deal, but I also don’t want to continue waiting it out because I remember it being worse than it actually is and then not making it in time. Not sure if I’m looking for advice or experiences or just complaining honestly. Moving around, eating, showering hasn’t slowed them down or stopped them but it also hasn’t made them worse so I’m just not sure what to do at this point.